Time: we live in it, but we also learn to see through it.  Like an icon, the light of eternity reveals itself in and through time and adds a hidden but essential dimension to the events of our lives so that those lives become not just empty space but the revelation of love as it was first revealed in Jesus.

Lives dedicated to prayer are neither obvious nor spectacular.  Their structure is simple and flexible so that the Holy Spirit has the opportunity to speak in us, and we have the opportunity and disposition to hear that Voice as it speaks from the depths of God.

Because of this we try to provide in our daily life as much “open space” for each sister as possible in order that she can live a contemplative balance of silent recollection and work in a personal rhythm that is framed by the communal aspects of our calling, thus enabling her to respond with an ever deeper and more ardent apostolic prayer to the needs of the Church and the world in which she lives.  Such a life requires a mature sense of responsibility whereby she can live within the boundaries, some of which she must interiorly set for herself, while being free enough and trustful enough to allow the Spirit of Jesus to lead her through open doors she never knew existed into the boundless way of love that is the essence of the life of God.

Our life must be like hers—

quiet and hidden,

in unceasing union with God,

pleading for humanity

and looking forward with

confidence and hope

to the coming of his kingdom.

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