After initial interviews with Vocation Director and Prioress, meeting with individual Nuns of the community, we offer a live-in period of approximately three weeks up to three months which provides firsthand experience of the life in Carmel before a formal application for admission is made. The aspirant has at least one year to discern her call into religious life with the community.
“I am in God, and God is in me. I feel that all creatures, the trees, the flowers belong to God and also to me. I no longer have a will, it belongs to God. And all that is God´s is mine.”
During this period, the postulant is learning, with the help of formator, to live a life of prayer, integral growth in human and Christian life in Carmelite way, and deepening her baptismal commitment. She will follow community daily horarium which consists of Mass, Liturgy of the Hours, two hours of mental prayer, silence and solitude. She also learns to live and work with others in the community. Both postulant and the community will continue to discern if she has or has not a real call to the contemplative life.
However, softly we speak, He is near enough to hear us. Neither is there any need for wings to go to find Him. All one need do is: to go in solitude and look at Him within oneself…
The novitiate is the time when the novice receives the habit and religious name and title to begin her life as a new member of the community– where she will love, serve and belong. During this period of time, the novice will have time to deepen her relationship with Christ and her decision to follow Jesus Christ in the Church and in today’s world according to the Carmelite charism. She will continue to learn and practice human and Christian virtues. She will learn to be evermore deepening her commitment to live and work in and with the community. Study of Scripture, the Vows, the Church History, Carmelite Spirituality, Carmelite History, the writings of St. Teresa and other Carmelite Saints, etc…will be also integrated into daily schedule.
By religious profession, the Novice pledges herself fully to consecrate to God by public vow to live according to the three evangelical counsels: Chastity, Poverty and Obedience. During these five years, a professed Nun strives to make the commitment to the whole life of prayer, self-denial, common life and inner transformation. “She also becomes a full member of the Order and is incorporated into her own monastery with the rights and duties defined by universal law and Constitutions.”
She, therefore, is to continue to receive the training to obtain more perfect the practical understanding and knowledge of the Church doctrines, biblical, liturgical, theological and Teresian Carmelite formation.
By the solemn vows of Chastity, Poverty and Obedience, a Nun commits herself perpetually to live a “life of allegiance to Jesus Christ.” Strive to live ever deeper union with God and, at the same time, fully giving herself to the service of others after the model of Jesus.
“Oh my beloved Star, so hold me that I cannot wander from your light.”